
Where Do Animals Souls Go When They Die

My wife and I were recently awakened by the tears of ane of our children. They'd found our dog, Nellie, expressionless on the flooring.

Nellie was a cantankerous-eyed Chihuahua who had brought our family unit then much joy. She was almost every bit good a canis familiaris equally a Chihuahua tin be.

Equally the tears flowed, so did the questions.

Why did Nellie have to die? Why did God take Nellie so soon? Will nosotros meet Nellie in heaven?

While some may consider these questions featherbrained, I don't.

The longer we live on this fallen planet, the more sorrow we face. Some suffering is small, and some is great, only it all hurts. Some families experience tragedy early on and often. Our family has been spared significant tragedy, but times like these notwithstanding go out their mark.

Later a fiddling while, we were able to talk most what we were feeling and the questions we were processing. Here are a few highlights.

1. We know why our pets die.

Death is 1 of life'southward saddest and well-nigh certain realities. Whether it be a pet or a fellow image-bearer, few things sober us like death. A cold, stiff body that lacks the life it once supported is a heavy reminder that something is tragically incorrect with our world.

The Bible tells united states of america evidently that when Adam and Eve revolted against God, a curse was put not just on humanity, but on all creation (Gen. 3:14, 19). Considering of this, expiry comes for all of us, humans and animals alike.

In Deuteronomy vi, God gives Israelite parents this charge: "You lot shall teach [my commands] diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when yous walk by the mode, and when y'all lie down, and when you rise" (v.7).

Discipleship in the habitation happens as nosotros live together—and as we coffin pets together. Some may want to shield their children from discussions of death, merely nosotros don't. We tell our children that death exists because of the curse of sin. All of us will die; fifty-fifty our love animals are non exempt.

2. We don't know why our pets die when they do.

Decease comes for all of us in a time and manner that's mostly unexpected. Nellie was, as far as we could tell, a good for you lilliputian dog. She seemed to go peacefully in her slumber. I've lost other pets in much more than traumatic ways. When my daughter looked at me and asked, "Why did she have to die now?" I simply held her and said, "I don't know."

When we love someone, it always seems our fourth dimension with them was likewise short. I encouraged her that our family loved Nellie well, and she loved us in like measure. I also reminded her that nosotros demand non fear losing those we love; instead, we should dear them every bit well as we're able while they're with us.

3. God isn't cruel; he'south caring.

The God of the Bible isn't a vicious, distant, absentee father who expects his suffering children to "suck it upwardly." Rather, he gives usa precious promises.

I we discussed is Psalm 34:18: "The LORD is close to the crestfallen and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

If your god doesn't care virtually the tears of a child who's lost her beloved pet, then your god is besides afar.

When pets dice, it'south a fine time to grab a promise from the Lord and permit information technology condolement you lot. Again, for some this may seem little. But I clinch you information technology's non. In fact, if your god doesn't care about the tears of a child who'due south lost her dearest pet, then your god is besides distant.

4. God doesn't tell us what happens to our pets when they die, but we can trust him.

Virtually everyone who's lost pets has wondered, "Will I see them again?" Some requite hearty assurances based on what they hope will come to pass. Just hope is far too precious to cast it on what we simply want to be truthful. It'south safer to ballast our behavior in what God says is truthful. And on this issue, he just doesn't say.

Animals don't take the aforementioned hope humans do, because humans are distinct among all God'southward creations. We're fabricated in God'southward image; animals (and angels) are non (Gen 1:26–27). Among living beings, we have a unique power to reason (Ps. 32:9). Jesus came to save humans, not angels or animals.

Yet the Bible does speak most the presence of animals in the life to come. In Isaiah eleven:six–8 and 65:25, the prophet lists numerous animals while describing the eternal kingdom of God. God's promises portray a world to come in which animals will know the peace they likewise have longed for (Rom. 8:18–25).

I recollect this gives united states good reason to assume God will fill the new creation with redeemed paradigm-bearers, elect angels, and all sorts of animals.

2 Certainties

Will our animals exist in sky? Information technology's best to exist honest and say we don't know. I wouldn't exist surprised if God, in generous wisdom, allows united states of america to enjoy the company of familiar animals in glory. Only we can exist certain of ii things.

First, we tin can be certain that if it will bring God more than glory and help the states to relish him forever, then God will reunite usa with our pets. God knows what good gifts to give united states, both now and forever (Luke 11:13). As Paul reasons, "He who did not spare his ain Son only gave him upwardly for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give u.s. all things?" (Rom. eight:32). God knows what's best for us, so we tin can trust him.

Second, we must guard our hearts and not allow love for pets or animals to diminish our amore for God. No thing how good a gift is, only he—not the gift itself—is worthy of our devotion. Pets included.

And so how did I reply my kids?

I told them that nosotros don't know exactly what happens to Nellie. Simply nosotros do know God is good. We can trust him to exercise what'due south best, and I won't be a flake surprised if we come across our pets again in glory. If I'thou incorrect, that's fine. In that location's no serious doctrine in danger, nor are my children'south hopes tied to anything other than God's wisdom in dealing with the states, his own beloved children.


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