
Does Gardening Count As Exercise

10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Start Walking 10,000 Steps a Day

Walking 10,000 steps a day has become a popular fitness goal. Here are just a few of the health benefits you'll experience once you start moving more.

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Health benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day Photo: Shutterstock

Considering walking 10,000 steps a day?

Walking 10,000 steps a day has become a popular fitness goal. Though it's certainly not the be all and end all of fitness, research has shown that the more steps you take in a day, the better.

Aiming to walk 10,000 steps a day (or any number that presents a challenge based on your current activity level), is a great way to motivate yourself to move more and to interrupt the time you spend sitting. As a result, it can have a tremendous impact on almost every part of your body. Here are 10 of the biggest health benefits you can expect from walking 10,000 steps a day.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day - seniors walking Photo: Shutterstock

Walking 10,000 steps a day will boost your heart health

Regular physical activity helps increase the amount of oxygenated blood being sent to your muscles—the fitter you are, the more easily this happens, and the harder you will be able to work out. Find out more easy ways to boost heart health.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day - Lung x-ray Photo: Shutterstock

It will strengthen your lungs

Moving each day helps strengthen your lungs and surrounding muscles. As the rate and volume of oxygen you inhale goes up, so does your body's ability to use it efficiently (a measurement referred to as your "VO2 max"). The fitter you get, the higher your VO2 max.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day - alert man Photo: Shutterstock

It improves your concentration

Physical activity boosts the release of feel-good hormones (like endorphins) and also increases blood flow to the brain, which results in improved cognitive function. Not only do you feel less stressed and anxious when you regularly move, but you are also working toward improving your creativity, productivity, and concentration.

Find out more habits that will boost your brain health.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day strengthens bones - walking with groceries Photo: Shutterstock

It strengthens your bones

Physical activity (particularly weight-bearing exercises) places extra stress on your bones, which helps improve their density and lowers your risk for osteoporosis later in life. Walking, and better yet running, are great places to start.

Don't miss these daily habits to improve your bone health.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day builds muscle Photo: Shutterstock

Walking 10,000 steps a day builds muscle

Daily physical activity causes tiny tears in your muscles, which in turn, leads to increased muscle growth and strength.

Check out more daily habits to prevent muscle loss.

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fitness goal: 10,000 steps a day Photo: ShutterStock

It helps stabilize your blood sugar

When you're physically active, your muscles use more of the glucose in your bloodstream. Activity also helps the insulin in your body work more efficiently.

Here are more tips on how to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

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Blood pressure reading Photo: Shutterstock

It can help lower blood pressure

Physical activity is important for preventing and managing high blood pressure. Getting in your daily steps can help reduce the stiffness of your vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely.

Find out more natural remedies for high blood pressure.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day improves flexibility - man stretching at gym Photo: Shutterstock

It improves flexibility

Physical activity helps improve your flexibility, which in turn, helps improve posture, reduces risk for injury, and also decreases the number of aches and pains you feel during the day.

Here are more pain management tips physiotherapists want you to know.

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Walking 10,000 steps a day - senior couple at beach Photo: Shutterstock

It boosts your energy levels

Physical activity is a great way to boost energy levels and fight fatigue as it strengthens the heart and improves circulation.

These energy-boosting foods can also help!

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Walking 10,000 steps a day - walking dogs Photo: Shutterstock

It improves your mood

Physical activity triggers the release of key neurotransmitters like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, all of which play key roles in mood control.

Can't find the motivation to move more? Here's how to make walking less boring.

Originally Published: January 06, 2021

Does Gardening Count As Exercise


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